How many of our wonderful clients still own a typewriter? My guess would be that very few would have one and if they do its probably collecting dust in their shed and not much use to them. Now I’m not saying anything negative about typewriters, they were revolutionary when invented, and though still useful were surpassed by the desktop computer in the 1990’s, and are now considered obsolete.
A similar situation has occurred in the accounting industry in the past 18 months. Accounting software has evolved dramatically with the introduction of cloud based platforms, which include MYOB AccountRight and Xero. These online software packages have been “game changers” for businesses who are seeking to streamline their data processing and also look into the future, as opposed to the past. With real time profit & loss and financial position reporting available, you will have access to reports which have the power to provide the basis of informed and precise decision making on a day to day basis. Automation of most simple tasks will also slash processing times, allowing you to save costs and focus on the most important aspect of all, running your business!
As these programs are internet based, this will mean no more annoying backups and year end adjustment journals back and forth. You will also be able to access your file from an online login anywhere in the world at any time.
We have touched base with most of you in the past year regarding this and the clients that have adopted one of these online platforms have been very pleased with the increased functionality and time saving benefits these programs provide.
Contact Optima Partners for a quick chat to find out more and discuss which solution is best for your business.
Contributed by
Ross Stagno – Senior Accountant