Apparently as an accountant I am not allowed to give you specific investment advice. I was contemplating this fact last week-end when I found myself in a very ungainly position in the garden after trying and failing miserably to lift a heavy concrete pot to a spot where I thought it would be more attractive. As I lay there after hearing a loud crack from my back I thought of all the time and dollars this was going to take to make right. I sheepishly called my daughter who is always lecturing me on my impatience and stubborn disregard to acknowledge that yes I am getting older and I need to ask for help when attempting these types of tasks and together we managed to get me to the physio and on to the road of recovery.
Taking good care of your health is one of the most lucrative investments it is possible to make in the form of financial savings. I apologize to the folks that have poor health through no fault of their own, they have my full sympathy. Something that we, that have enjoyed disgustingly good health sometimes overlook is the misery faced by others with genetic and other disorders that impact on their lives.
Although few personal financial advisers consider fitness and diet part of their holistic approach to financial well being, we really all should. Effectively managing your health can reliably produce financial gains superior to anything the stock market and other retirement investment vehicles can. And it is in reach of everyone. It’s not too late or too early or too hard or too costly.
Good health is an asset to be looked after. It is an asset to an employer, your family and yourself. Even if you are looking down the barrel of a very financially skimpy retirement good health can save you enormously in later years. And while on the subject of looking after our physical wellbeing we should also be looking after our mental health in the same way.
Feeling well as a result of good diet and exercise habits boosts our self esteem, helps us to manage stress and perform at full potential.
So for advice that is free and worth contemplating don’t pre-spend your good health by misguided health choices. I’m not going to name and shame but I am sure you know a few.
Liz Gibbs – SMSF Manager