What are they and do I really need them?
A Will we all know about, although the experts tell us that probably 60% of the population don’t have one! An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), most of us would think we know what it is? But, what is the difference between an EPA and a POA (Power of Attorney)? EPG (Enduring Power of Guardianship) and AHD (Advance Health Directive) – what do they do?
My niece (22) tells me she is too young to have a Will, let alone any of the others and “anyway I don’t have any kids yet!”. She has a car, savings in the bank (albeit small), a little jewellery and she is currently building a house. If (God forbid) anything should happen to her, who does she want to have her car, money and jewellery I asked and, probably the most important question, what happens to the house? What if she is seriously injured, what measures does she want us (her family) to take. She knows the answer to these questions, just didn’t consider how it would actually happen and did we really know what she wanted!
I have all of these documents and “no kids”! If I didn’t, it would be left to the Public Trustees (government) or my family to decide the outcomes – and trust me, I don’t want some of them (government or family for that matter) making these types of decisions! Whether it is for my estate or my health!
I am not a solicitor and won’t try to educate you on each document. However, over the years, due to either the lack of these documents or poorly worded ones, I have seen families suffer and rifts develop (not to mention costs and in the case of a Will reducing the value of the estate) from their inability to agree on the best course of action or sometimes about anything at all.
I know it’s not a nice subject, but please think seriously about these documents and the repercussions on your family should something happen to you.
Feel free to contact Optima Partners, we have access to a network of advisors who can enlighten and help you with drafting any or all of these documents.
Coral Graham
Business Manager – Optima Partners